Heo Woong, who cried, denied the forced abortion and assault of his ex-girlfriend...

Heo Woong, who cried, denied the forced abortion and assault of his ex-girlfriend...

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Professional basketball superstar Huh Woong (31, Busan KCC) appeared on YouTube himself and expressed his position on the controversy over his personal life. Heo Woong appeared on the YouTube channel "Caracula Media" on the 5th and talked about the recent controversy related to his ex-girlfriend A. Heo also shed tears while explaining.

Last month, Heo Woong visited Gangnam Police Station in Seoul and filed a complaint against A. Heo Woong met A in December 2018 with the introduction of an acquaintance, developed into a relationship, and broke up in December 2021. A said he was assaulted on a date by Heo Woong while dating, and reportedly threatened for three years to disclose the contents of the messenger he exchanged at the time of the relationship to his club, basketball gallery, Instagram account, reporter, and YouTube, and demanded hundreds of millions of won.

Since then, there has been a battle between Heo Woong and A regarding privacy.

"I thought it was right to wait for the results of the investigative agency, so I was so sad to see the articles," Heo Woong said. "There are articles that are not true, but I only criticized them, so I don't know if this is right, but I took courage."

Heo Woong also said that A had two pregnancies and abortions while dating earlier. In response, A responded that it was caused by Heo Woong's coercion.

On forcing abortion, Heo said, "Absolutely not. I think (the image) was created because the situation is looking like that (the media reports) now," adding, "The second pregnancy was a little suspicious. However, I tried my best, thinking that it was my child. Of course, I loved A, and the situation came where I had to take responsibility, and I wanted to meet him well. I liked and loved that person. I never responded warmly."

Mr. A's claim that he broke into Mr. A's house without permission and wrote a threatening letter was partially constant. Heo Woong said, "As soon as Mr. A broke up with me, there was another man, and I wanted to meet him again. It was a situation where we knew each other's house passwords, and I wrote a letter because I missed them so much. It wasn't a threatening letter, and I wrote with my love," he said. Regarding the letter on the table, he said, "I did it because I didn't have a letter paper."

He also flatly denied the assault theory claimed by A, saying, "I never did." Heo Woong stressed, "I also can't understand that if I wanted to protect people, I would protect them, but I hit them. That happened on one side outside the hotel. A grabbed me by the collar, and while I was shaking off, a laminate hit my hand and fell off." 슬롯사이트 순위

Finally, Heo Woong added, "I think it's right to keep my promise in that part because I made a promise with the investigative agency. In the meantime, there were too many stories that were different from the truth, so I took courage to come. I think the truth will be revealed when the results come out. Meanwhile, Heo is the eldest son of "basketball legend" Heo Jae. He led KCC to the championship title during the 2023-2024 season.

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